Diana Angwech

Ugandan Lawyer

Diana Angwech is a Ugandan lawyer and has served as the vice president of the Uganda Law Society since September 2020.



"‘I Believe Women Have A Foundational Role To Play In Building Families, Institutions And Nations’ -Diana Angwech, ULS Vice President" (2021)

‘I Believe Women Have A Foundational Role To Play In Building Families, Institutions And Nations’ -Diana Angwech, ULS Vice President. Glimug. (August 27, 2021)
  • I believe that God called me to empower women.
  • Women have a foundational role to play in building families, institutions and the nation.
  • Empowering a woman who nurtures and influences both the boy and girl child is a key component to a better nation.
  • A woman that is secure, confident, grounded, economically empowered has the ability to change the direction of a family and in so doing can change the value system of an individual.
  • As I mature as a leader, I realize that leadership is about influence as opposed to position.
  • People will always attack you and your decisions even when they are carried out with integrity and a pure heart.
  • Leadership is tough because of the weight of responsibility and the demand it places on an individual to lay down their life.
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