Blood for Dracula

1974 film by Paul Morrissey

Blood for Dracula is a 1974 horror film about an ailing vampire count travels to Italy with his servant to find a bride.

Written and directed by Paul Morrissey.
He couldn't live without a virgin's blood..... ...So a virgin had to die!taglines

Count Dracula

  • The blood of these whores is killing me.
  • Why did you take me on this hopeless... journey? let me go home and die in peace! what good is it to have tea when I can't find the right vegetable to go with it? I guess I have to eat the rest of the Romanian lettuce... with lemon. Ze oil! Zey put zo much oil here on everyting! But there must be some cheese?
  • It's very useful for a woman to practise home-making.
  • But they don't have ze food I eat. They only have chicken and vegetables I've never seen before. I am sure they have no wirgin meat.
  • It must be tonight. The girls are beautiful, they look so pure... but how can we get at them?
  • My body can't take this treatment any more.


  • How old are you, little girl?

Il Marchese di Fiore

  • Flowers that are too cultivated lose some of their parfume. They wither more quickly.
  • In this house, one can say the most intelligent, most poetical things—and nobody takès any notice.
  • Dracula, did you say? Dra-cu-la. The sound is so intriguing. Three syllables. Dra, cu, la. I think I like that name.
  • I have never met a more perfect a name on the heraldic mark't. Your father, my children, can undarstand the substance of a form, the pulp of the fruit, by the peel that covers it. There are wine tasters and name tasters. Yes, Dracula. Just the right amount of Orient and Occident, of a reality and farntasy. If I were not too afraid of making literature or rhetoric out of it, I might add that it has borrowed some ingredient from the Count of Monte Cristo, or even Sinbad the Sailor.


Count Dracula Why Italy?
Anton: There are many reason. The Italian people will be impressed by your title, and you can find wirgin.
Count Dracula Wirgin?
Anton. Yes. Because of the Italian church, they need wirgins for their marriages.

Rubinia: Well, if you must know, this man is obsessed with marrying a virgin.
Mario Balato: O well, you didn't tell me this. So what's he doin' with you two whores?

Mario Balato: I don't see why someone like me couldn't marry you, or one of your sisters.
Rubinia: Are you crazy?
Mario Balato: Yeah... your mother'd never hear of such a thing. Had a good look at him in that wheelchair, almost about to die. That's the way it is with all that rich trash. They're all sick and rotten. The only future's in socialism.
Rubinia: Don't start talking about that again! You know how it bores me.

Dracula: You don't know what boys do with little girls?
Saphiria: No.
Dracula: Your sister never taught you?
'Saphiria: Would be too embarrassed.
Dracula: You are a wirgin?
Saphiria: Yes.
Dracula: You telling me the trooth?
Saphiria: Yes.
Dracula: I believe you [attacks her].

Perla: What are those marks?
Rubinia: The kiss of Count Dracoola.

Dracula: How can you leave me alone for so long in this condition? Where have you been?
Anton: I have splendid news for you. The Di Fiore family invited us to stay at the house, especially to meet to their daughters. We go there tomorrow.
Dracula: I don't think I have ze strength to make myself presentable. You have seen what's happened to me before.
Anton: Look at this [displays a blood-soaked loaf of bread]. An extraordinary thing occurred. I was in the tavern to get some more information about ze Di Fiore family, when someone came in shouting that a girl had been hit by a cur and was bleeding. I had to think quickly. I took some bread and ran out. I made my way to the center of ze crowd, and there in a pool of blood was a mutilated body of a young gurl. I pretended to faint at the sight of her, fell, falling into ze blood. I could feel ze blood zeeping into ze bread. They picked me up, but not before the bread was soaked with her blood.
Dracula: Her age, Anton? Her age?
Anton: She could not have been more than twelve or thirteen.
Dracula: [snatches the bloody bread and sucks ravenously] ... Ummm ... Ummm ...
Anton: Was it good?
Dracula: It works. It works! She was pure.


  • He couldn't live without a virgin's blood..... ...So a virgin had to die!
  • He'll go right to your neck and you'll go right to his heart.


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