A Troll in Central Park

1994 film by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman

A Troll in Central Park is the 1994 animated film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman. This film is titled as "Stanley's Magic Garden". This is the last film for Dom DeLuise to work for Don Bluth Films.

The spectacular adventure of a magical troll who teaches two children that when you believe in yourself... You can do anything! (taglines)

Stanley edit

  • All I ever wanted is a little patch of green.
  • I'm not like other trolls. I'm different, you know, I like beautiful things! like flowers.
  • Don't you know that dreams are fragile things?
  • [sings]: I like to close my eyes,/so my heart can plainly see/right through the way things are/clear to the way they ought to be!/A place safe and sunlit, and serene;/And absolutely green!
  • [sings]: Welcome, to my world;/A little world apart/A place where dreams are made/with wishes from… my… heart!/Welcome, to my world;/there's such a lovely view./If you believe in dreams/then you will see… it… too!/It's a gift, to be able to imagine/And may your dream come true!/It's a gift, of a very special kind/And I give that gift, to you!/Take it, and begin/And let your heart behold/A wonderland I've dreamed more valuable than gold./Welcome, to my world;/A little world apart/A place where dreams are made/with wishes from… my… heart!/ Welcome… to… my… world!

Gnorga edit

  • He is good, he is kind, he is gentle, and he is giving a bad name to trolls everywhere!
  • [Reads:] "Gnorga & Llort: laughingstock… bad trolls turning good at record pace…" Have you seen this?! [Llort: "Seen what, sugar-shins?"] These blasted editorials! They're calling for us to resign! They say our power's slipping!
  • "Worse than death?" "Slow and painful?" Take a look: does that look like misery to you?
  • Punishment isn't supposed to be nice! It's supposed to be punishing!
  • You said it [Central Park] was big, yes; you said it was wide, yes; but you didn't say it was bigger than Troll World… and Gremlinland… and Goblinville, put together! My warts are getting blisters, and my corns are getting bunions!
  • You want to act like a troll? Be a troll.

Llort edit

  • And look! That sweet, adorable little babe. [Gnorga growls] Horrible creature, isn't she?!
  • [Repeated, to Gnorga's dog:] Stop attacking me! Why d'you always have to attack me?! Down! Sit! Stay!

Gus edit

  • [Repeated:] Hang on, Rosie!
  • Stop saying that! He can't be a troll, because there's no such thing as trolls. Uh oh, talking flowers! This is weird. Come on, Rosie; we've gotta go home.
  • You know what, Stanley? You'll never have a dream come true, and you know why? Because you just too scared to fight for what you believed in. You're a coward!

Troll edit

  • Oh, for a minute, I thought I saw one of them, um, um, uh, flower things. That's a relief. I'd sure hate to have to tell the queen. Oh, well, have a rotten day! [walks off, singing] I'm a bad troll, a very bad troll...

Rosie edit

  • [Repeated]: Troll!
  • [to Gnorga]: You're a booger!

Taglines edit

  • The spectacular adventure of a magical troll who teaches two children that when you believe in yourself... You can do anything!
  • Believe in Yourself and You Can Do Anything!

Cast edit

External links edit

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