2019 Hyderabad gang rape

sexual assault and murder

The 2019 Hyderabad Gang Rape was an incident of gang rape of a female physician on a lonely street of Hyderabad in Telengana state of India. After the rape, the culprits burnt victim with petrol. Four persons were immediately arrested by Cyberabad Police as accused. But without conducting any investigation or trial, the police killed all the accused persons in an encounter, firing at them from point black. The National Human Rights Commission in its enquiry report stated that the encounter killing of the accused was a cold blooded murder. The incident divided the entire nation's opinion regarding the appropriateness of police action.


  • Extra judicial killings cannot be accepted in a country of law.
    • Shashi Tharoor : "Hyderabad Gang Rape", The Times of India , 7 December 2019
  • The action taken by Hyderabad Police is praiseworthy. In Uttar Pradesh rape is happening every day, be it young girls or aged women, nobody is being spared.
    • Mayawati, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh : "Hyderabad Gang Rape", The Times of India , 7 December 2019
  • So the predators have become the prey! Now this is called true poetic justice!

See also

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