The New Mutants is a 2020 American superhero action drama about native American mutant Danielle Moonstar whose reserve is attacked by a supernatural ursine goliath is then admitted to an institution with four other young mutants learning to discover and master their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will and attempting to escape while self-styled queen bee Illyana bullies her and malevolent entities seek to obliterate them.

Directed by Josh Boone and co-written with Knate Lee.
Everyone has demons.(taglines)

Danielle Moonstar edit

  • There's a Native American proverb that says: "Inside every person there are two bears, forever locked in combat for your soul. One bear is all things good: compassion, love, trust. The other is all things evil: fear, shame and self-destruction".
  • We can get out of this, together.

Dr. Cecilia Reyes edit

  • Did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones? They haven't learned how to control how much venom they secrete. All of you are dangerous. That's why you're here.
  • All of us here have killed someone.
  • This place takes your greatest fear and makes you live through it, until it kills you.

Illyana Rasputin edit

  • This isn't a hospital, Pocahontas. It's a cage.
  • They made us cry, so we made them smile.
  • [To Dani] I now know your power, new girl. Let me show you mine.
  • Demon Bear! Let's play a game!

Sam Guthrie edit

  • Berto! Nut up!

Rahne Sinclair edit

  • They aren't prepping us to be X-Men. They're prepping us to be killers.

Dialogue edit

Illyana Rasputin: Take Dani to a safe place, and I'll take care of this bear! [Speaks an incantation which opens a portal to Limbo]
Rahne Sinclair: What are you going to do?
Illyana Rasputin: [Draws her Soulsword] I'm going to play with him. Get her out of here.
Sam Guthrie: Are you crazy? That thing will kill you!
Rahne Sinclair: He's right, it's magic!
Illyana Rasputin: So am I.

Illyana Rasputin: Hey, Standing Rock. You want a buffalo wing? You people love buffalo, don’t you?
Samuel Guthrie: Jeez, Illya, will you just... leave her alone?
Danielle Moonstar: No. It’s okay. [Walks over to Ilyana] “Standing Rock.” That’s a good one. More original than “Pocahontas.” [Leans into Illyana's face] That was huge in fifth grade. You don’t scare me. My dad told me about bitches like you.
Illyana Rasputin: Oh. Well, here. [Holds up Lockheed] Why don’t you show us on the puppet... where Daddy touched you? [Danielle snatches puppet from Ilyana] Lockheed! [Leaps over couch]
Samuel Guthrie: Hey, guys, come on! [Samuel pulls away Ilyana with Rahne pulling away Danielle]
Danielle Moonstar: [Goes up to Ilyana's face] You keep my father’s name out of your mouth, bitch! You don’t know anything about me.
Illyana Rasputin: Do you know anything?! Sixteen years old and doesn’t even know her power! Seems like that mutant period should’ve kicked in by now! [Shoves Danielle]
Rahne Sinclair: Leave her alone!
Samuel Guthrie: Yo! Hold up!
Illyana Rasputin: I’m helping her. This is therapy! [Shoves Danielle]
Danielle Moonstar: Get your hands off me!
Illyana Rasputin: Or you’ll what? Let’s find out. [Grabs Danielle's head and slams it on desk] What are you gonna do, huh? [Danielle headbutts Ilyana's nose] Fuck! Bitch!
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: Illyana, don’t! You know the rules. No powers in here. And definitely no fighting.
Illyana Rasputin: Sorry, Doctor. I thought maybe Dani was invincible. Just wanted to see if I was right.
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: Solitary. Both of you.
Rahne Sinclair: But it wasn’t Dani’s...
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: Everyone else, lights out in 10. I’ll see you in the morning.
Illyana Rasputin: I'll see you in hell. [To puppet] What’s that, Lockheed? Don’t be scared. We’ll go to our special place, okay? The Smiling Men can’t get us in our special place.
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: [Opens solitary door] Dani?
Danielle Moonstar: What’s happening to me?
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: You’re clearly manifesting something… but we need to do more tests to find out what it is. It’s okay. I’m a doctor. Actually, I come from a family of doctors. My mother was a vet. A lot of pets came in with rattlesnake bites. Did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous... than adult ones? They haven’t learned how to control... how much venom they secrete. Even the mutants we call heroes today... when they first got their powers... chances are they hurt someone. That’s why new mutants are dangerous. And they need to be…
Danielle Moonstar: Locked up?
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: Sequestered... from average humans, for their safety and ours. Put pressure.

Dr. Cecilia Reyes: My superior runs a facility for gifted mutants. You could move there after this, if you wanted to.
Danielle Moonstar: Rahne said I could even get out of here faster... if I follow your program.
Dr. Cecilia Reyes: I’ve noticed you and Rahne... have taken a liking to each other. That’s good. She’s a good influence. And she’s right. It’s important we find out exactly what your power is... so we can help you control it.
Rahne Sinclair: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been a week since my last confession. I masturbated twice. I lied to Dr. Reyes. And I was up in the vents again. Hello? I’m gonna say one Our Father and two Hail Marys, okay? Hello? Who’s there?!
Disembodied voice: Witch! [Rahne runs out of confessional box] You witch! I’ll flay the flesh from your bones! [Confessional doors all start clanging with Rahne fleeing the church]
Rahne Sinclair: [Kneels down in church grounds and says repeatedly] Demons can’t come in churches...

Illyana Rasputin: You don't know how to grow weed, do you?
Danielle Moonstar: No.
Illyana Rasputin: What kind of Indian are you?
Danielle Moonstar: Cheyenne.
Illyana Rasputin: I wasn't actually asking.

Roberto da Costa: It's hunting us!
Rahne Sinclair: No. It's hunting Dani.
Sam Guthrie: Why Dani?
Rahne Sinclair: Because that's what she fears.

Illyana Rasputin: [Envisioning a place from her past] No, no. I buried this! [Creature is trying to attack young Illyana] Stop it, please! [The creature turns round and unmasks itself to reveal itself as the Smiley Man]

Cast edit

Taglines edit

  • There is something new to fear.
  • It's time to face your demons.
  • Power this big can't be contained.
  • Hell has frozen over.
  • They will never let you out.

External links edit

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