The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy/Season 1

season of television series

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (also known as Billy & Mandy] (2003–08), created by Maxwell Atoms, is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network. The two main characters, Billy and Mandy, have obliged the Grim Reaper to be their best friend forever after having won a bet over a sick hamster.

Meet the Reaper / Skeletons in the Water Closet [1.01] edit

Mandy: [after the opening theme song] Shut up! Prepare for the next show.

[Billy and Mandy meet Grim for the first time]
Billy: Look! It's Santa! Santa Claus!
Mandy: That's not Santa, you stooge. That's the Grim Reaper.
Billy: ...Do I still get presents?
Grim: Uh... well... no... actually, I'm here for the hamster.
Billy: Oh boy, oh boy! You brought presents for Mr. Snuggles?!
Grim: No... I'm taking him away.
Billy: To the North Pole?
Grim: No. I'm...[Mr. Snuggles bites Grim] Ah! Oof! Oof! Look, I'm just doing me job, but I´m afraid its CURTAINS for Mr. Snuggles.
Billy: ...You got him curtains?
Mandy: You'll have to forgive Billy — he's an idiot.
Grim: Look, aren't you two scared? Boo! Blah! Oh come on! I'm a walkin' skeleton! Isn't that scary?

Grim: [laughs] I love games, and I never lose.
Mandy: Neither do I.

Grim: [upon losing the game of limbo] This is impossible! I'm the Grim Reaper! 'MASTER OF THE FORCES OF LIFE AND DEATH!
Mandy: Not anymore.

Grim: [his head sitting next to Mandy] I loathe you. [Mandy smiles] Why me?

Harold: Gladys! Now, slowly. What the heck are you trying to say?
Gladys: B-B-B-Billy! [wails]
Harold: Yes...
Gladys: Our son!
Harold: Yes!
Gladys: Our son has turned into a big spooky skeleton! [cries]

Opposite Day / Look Alive! [1.02] edit

Grim: You and that wretched girlfriend of yours are great enough separately, but together... you're insufferable.
Billy: Insufferable? I don't even know what that means. And hey, Mandy's not my girlfriend! She's just a FRIEND, who happens to be a GIRL, just like I happen to be a BOY, and you happen to be a SKELETONN. It's the differences that make our planet so rich, diverse, and wonderful!
[Rainbows in the background]
Grim: I still hate you, though.

Billy: You think that was too mince?
Mandy: He said he didn't want to. You know what that means!
Billy: You're right.

[At Mandy's kitchen, Grim is doing the washing up together]
Grim: This bites! Those kids don't deserve the friends like me. Everyday, I play with them until my eyes bleed! [sniffs]

Mandy: This is getting boring. Let's torture the Grim Reaper.
Billy: [leaving Mandy's room] OK.

Mandy: Oh, Grim!
Grim: Yes...
Mandy: My little puppy, Saliva's feeling all so sad and lonely, could you cheer him up yourself?
Grim: Cheer him up myself?!
Mandy: Oh, Grim. Would you please cheer him up one little kiss ought to do it? You know, you want to.
Grim: Ugh! I am NOT going to kiss your stinky, smelly, drooling mutt!

Grim: [sobbing] I hate you so much! I'm so miserable!
Billy: That's good, cause misery goes nice with PIE!
Grim: That's it. I've HAD IT! [slices the pie and Laughs]
Mandy: Hey, thank you slicing the pie, Grim.
Billy: Yeah! And WE deserve a nice treat about NOW!

Mortal Dilemma / Get Out of My Head! [1.03] edit

Mandy: [in Milkshakes' body] You know, Billy... you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose... but you can't pick your friend's nose.

Harold: Son, it's awfully hard to read the paper through your butt.

Grim: [singing, while in Milkshake's body]
Look at me, I'm a kitty cat!
I wear a bowl of peanuts for a hat.
If I eat them all, I will get fat.
Blah blah blah, I'm a kitty cat!

[Billy and Grim are watching B production horror film]
Billy: This is scary. Let's watch something else.
Grim: Aw, come on. I've seen scarier stuff in your toilet.
Billy: True.

Mandy: Hey, Irwin!
Irwin: [to Billy in Mandy's body] [screams a little bit] Uh... Hi, Mandy.
Mandy: YOU are such a cutie.

Billy: Gee, Milkshake. I think Mandy might be mad at me now. I think I deserve on an account of all the naughty stuff I made her do. I deserved to be punished.
Mandy: [Now inside Milkshake's body] Touching.
Billy: M-M-M-Mandy?
Mandy: You know, Billy, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.

Fiend Is Like Friend Without "R" [1.04] edit

Nergal: You've come back to save the children?
Mandy: Yeah, what's up with that?
Grim: Umm... well... I'm just taking them with me so I can eat them later.

Grim: That was a great idea kicking Nergal in the shin. I wonder why I didn't think of that?
Mandy: That's because you have no brain. Speaking of no brain, where's Billy?
Billy: [talking to a cardboard cutout of Mandy] Gee, Mandy, it sure was a great idea kicking Nergal in the shin like that. [many hours later] Hey, did you do something to your hair?

Recipe for Disaster [1.05] edit

Woman: Eat pepper spray, you freak! [sprays Grim in the face]
Grim: It doesn't hurt; I have no eyes.

A Dumb Wish [1.06] edit

Mandy: [looking sad] What have I done? Everybody has vanished off the face of the Earth. Because of that last dumb wish, I'm alone now. No Billy, no Grim, no Grim's mom, nobody. [smirks sneakily] PERFECT.

Grim Vs. Mom / Tastes like Chicken [1.07] edit

Harold: Honey, are you okay?
Gladys: Never better! I just needed some time to relax after my skeleton episode!
Harold: There is somebody I would like you to meet. [introduces Gladys to the Grim Reaper.] This is Billy's new friend, George, Grimmy... or something.

Gladys: It's time to kick it up a notch!

Grim: She may have won the battle, but she has NOT won the war.

Phil: Time to put the shrimp on the barbie!
Harold: Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Grim: Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee!