Talk:That Mitchell and Webb Look

Sir Digby: "In a world spinning as fast as the inside of Homebase when you've just had a go at a four-pack of Dulux tester cans, who is left to fight for all that is right and proper and good and leather and full of money and belonging to that teenager who doesn't look like he can handle himself? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!"

Sir Digby: "I believe we are looking for a menstruating child who is waterproof to a depth of fifty meters."

Sir Digby: "Gadzooks! He must be hiding amongst these cake-eating dwarfs!"

Sir Digby: "How did my nemesis shrink himself? When will Ginger find a better method for discovering waterproof dwarfs? Why don't kids' parties have real booze anymore like they did when I was a dwarf? Find out in the next enthralling installment of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar."

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