Spider-Man (2002 video game)

2002 beat 'em up video game

Spider-Man is a 2002 action-adventure game for the Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, and Xbox based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man and the 2002 film of the same name. The game expands on the film's plot, featuring scenes and villains not present in the film. Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe reprised their roles from the movie, as Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. Respectively, while Bruce Campbell, who played a wrestling ring announcer in the film, narrates the game's tutorial and bonus levels.

Search for Justice

  • :Spider-Man: (Narrating) This is how my story begins. My Uncle Ben and Aunt May raised me like a son. They didn't have much money though. I thought my powers can help make up for that. The last time I saw Uncle Ben alive, we argued. I took out my frustration in the ring. Poor Bonesaw never even saw me coming.
  • :Bonesaw: No more Mr. Nice guy!
  • :Spider-Man: (Narrating) The fight promoter cheated me, so I didn't think it was my problem that he got robbed.
  • :Officer #1: Somebody. Stop him!
  • :Officer #2: Twelve Henry. Call back up. 187 connection on that car jacking on 42nd street library.
  • :Police Dispatcher: 10-4. Suspect is believed to be a member of the skulls gang. Proceed with caution.
  • :Spider-Man: (Narrating) Uncle Ben. Murdered. I- I have to find the guy who did it. There's nothing Peter Parker can do at this point, but Spider-Man is a different story.
  • :Spider-Man: This is supposed to be the skulls territory, I'll have to find Uncle Ben's killer if I can get past through every one of the skulls to do it!
  • :Skulls: What's with the getup, chump!
  • :Spider-Man: They didn't know anything but I'm getting started.
  • :Civilian: Thank you! Thank you!
  • :Spider-Man: No worries, ma'am. I better go.
  • :Civilian: Wait, before you leave! I lost my purse in the different rooftops over there.
  • :Spider-Man: Wait a minute... is there something happened in the rooftop though?
  • :Civilian: Uh, yes.
  • :Spider-Man: A little more to this one?
  • :Civilian: Yes.
  • :Spider-Man: What are you still doing here? Are you the one who is taking care of the city rooftops?
  • :Civilian: Yes!
  • :Spider-Man: All right. I'll find your purse.
  • :Civilian: Thank you.
  • :Spider-Man: Uh, I think I need to give this purse to her before someone kills her.
  • :Spider-Man: Here is the purse I've brought for you.
  • :Civilian: Thank you. This city should take the masked vigilantes off with your hands, sir.
  • :Spider-Man: Uh, what? Whatever you say. You should be careful with those guys, they do not like this place at all.
  • :Civilian: You're right. Thanks to you again.
  • :Spider-Man: Another dead end. Well, one of these losers is going to give me some answers!
  • :Spider-Man: Nothing! I'm sure I'm getting warmer though... That murderer can't get away from me!
  • Spider-Man: A carjacker killed an old man earlier today. The killer's a skull! Where is HE?!
  • :Thug: I can't tell you.... he... kill me.
  • :Spider-Man: What makes you think I won't?
  • :Thug: AUGH!! Help!... It was Spike! He must be headed for the old shipping warehouse... it's right on the river. That's all I know.
  • Spider-Man: (annoyed) Thanks.
  • Spider-Man: It sounds like the police are closing in. They can have whatever's left after I'm done.

Warehouse Hunt

  • Thug: Huh? What's this door doing open? Man! People gotta be more careful, the cops could show up at anytime.
  • Spider-Man: Stop right there, MURDERER!!!
  • Spike: Huh?
  • Thug: What the?!
  • Spike: Don't let him through!
  • Thug: I got the door for youse, boss. He ain't getting through!
  • Spider-Man: I can't let anything stop me, I have to find a way to shut off the power so I can get through!
  • Spider-Man: That should do it. Now, to find the guy who killed Uncle Ben.
  • Spider-Man: They've taken a fuse out of the control panel... I'll have to get that back if I wanna open that door.
  • Thug: You ain't getting this fuse! Better take off while you still can.
  • Spider-Man: Easy to say that behind a locked door, coward.
  • Spider-Man: That's where I need to be. Now, I just need to find a way to get there.
  • Spider-Man: That takes care of that. Now to get that fuse!
  • Spider-Man: This fuse should get the door open.
  • Spider-Man: This is where the fuse goes. Now I've got you!

Birth of a Hero

  • Spider-Man: Door's locked. One of these jerks must have the key.
  • Spider-Man: You're GOING to pay with your worthless hide!
  • Spike: Leave me alone! SHUT... UP!
  • Spike: You can't get away!
  • Spike: I saw him! He is up there!
  • Spike: Where is he?!
  • Spider-Man: Ugh! Flash grenades are nasty.
  • Spike: I got to get away from this guy!
  • Spider-Man: Why so scared? You were so brave when you shot a defenseless old man.
  • Spike: How does he know about the old man?
  • Spider-Man: (gasps) No, you! Not you!
  • Spike: Stay back! I'm warning you, you psycho!
  • Spider-Man: I could have stopped you in the fight promoter's office. I could've saved Uncle Ben.

Oscorp's Gambit

  • Uncle Ben: These all the years when the man becomes a man to be the rest of his life. Just be careful who you are changing to. You're feeling this power to become a man, with greatness of power comes great responsibility.
  • Spider-Man: (sniffs) Uncle Ben.... he was the only one who died in passion... those wounds never heal. The red head girl named Mary Jane Watson... and the next dude is Harry Osborn. They've stuck with me before Uncle Ben died.
  • Harry's dad is only Norman Osborn either, I always want to hang around with Harry and Norman Osborn who owned many apartments after we graduated and moved in to the city. I got a job at the Daily Bugle and taking pictures of real
  • me. Life is strange as always, we only had a little minimum of time to place around with these people. We better start the adventure.
  • Norman: General Slocum is given the Oscorp a week to prove that we can develop to this serum. Or yet, we better lose with this contract in access labs for how much far that we are going to finish research, Losing contract will
  • bankrupt Oscorp, I can only assume that where the spider decided to give us some problems.
  • Dr. Stromm: Umm. Yes, Mr. Osborn. As the video showed, Spider-Man possesses all the attributes which it can be very hopeful to create. We testified his DNA segment for his blood, just to make sure if he has enough blood with his
  analysis that will come by later. We can modify those hunter killers will track him down with the DNA analysis, that he will be finished.
  • Norman: Make a deal!
  • Spider-Man: As soon as I get started... I'll combine with swinging. When you're at it, press the R2 button to start swinging.
  • Spider-Man: If I can get any pictures while I jump after swinging, press the X button.
  • Spider-Man: Sweet! Now before that, time to lock-on this target. Press the L1 button.
  • Spider-Man: Well, yeah. This time, I can use some air attacks by pressing any single buttons.
  • Spider-Man: That should do it.
  • Spider-Man: All right, I got the shots I needed. I think it's time to get back to the Bugle and collect my money. Also, I'll get my rental paid. Oh well... I wonder who brought this here?
  • Spider-Man: You like that huh? You like that?! Man, these guys are persistent!
  • Spider-Man: Oh no! These robots just keep coming! I wonder how these flying robots supposed to be insane?
  • Spider-Man: Oh, god. More robots coming. If I can't get rid of those robots on sight, I'd rather be dead!
  • Spider-Man: It seems they are trying to kill me at first, what is death anyway? So, are you from the future? Mary Jane!!!! Stop this madness!
  • Spider-Man: Phew. That was the last of them.

The Subway Station

  • Spider-Man: Hmmm. What the hell is going on here?
  • Spider-Man: Who in the devil? He must be took off in a hurry.
  • Spider-Man: Watch out! Not so fast, you fools!
  • Shocker: MOVE IT!
  • Shocker: Time to shut down the subway!
  • Shocker: No time to rest, boys. There was going to be plenty of choices once we have to deal with Spider-Man and his police officers and hostages. Let's get them!
  • Police officer: We got trouble. Requesting back-up!
  • Woman on radio: Back-up is on the way!
  • Spider-Man: I don't know who is this guy, but, he is sure as hell to follow.
  • Spider-Man: How about this? You're the one who called yourself a "quilt-man", some like... a "electricity dude" or "the cultural pineapple head"? No, wait! I got it the CUSHION!
  • Shocker: My name is Shocker. I tell you not to forget it which it means you won't be able to save any lives like that. And say goodbye to that civilian, stalker!
  • Guy: (speaking gibberish) Tell me about it...
  • Guy: AHH! Help! What's going on?!
  • Spider-Man: Watch where you are standing, sir.
  • Spider-Man: That was the last of the crooks. Oh no! Everyone is arrived!
  • Shocker: This cretin made a mess of things. I got a score to send his ass home now!
  • Shocker: Let's get the hell out of here kids!

Chase Through The Sewer

  • Shocker: All right boys, listen up. He must be on to us. When he gets down here and ambush him. There's no time to play games against this fool with red tights!
  • Spider-Man: It looks like some dudes have arrived.
  • Spider-Man: A key to that door. Sounds easy.
  • Spider-Man: Another activated switch. I have to find another one.
  • Spider-Man: That should get the door open. But I have to pick up the pace before I'll lose him.
  • Shocker: It's time to stop that MAGGOT! Vick! Make it happen!
  • Vic: I'm on it!
  • Spider-Man: You're hiding something.... what is it?
  • Spider-Man: Here, dog! Mommy gives you a treat!
  • Spider-Man: You're making things worse!
  • Spider-Man: That should do it. Time to shut down the water and get Shocker.
  • Spider-Man: There.
  • Spider-Man: Where did Shocker found all of you guys? Is there a website for this?
  • Spider-Man: It's time to get rid of that sewer, I hope this key will do the trick.
  • Spider-Man: (gasps) SHOCKER! He is heading for the subway tunnels, I better stop him!

Showdown With Shocker

  • Spider-Man: Okay, this starting to get crazy here.
  • Spider-Man: Hey dumbass, you didn't know I was the one who rejected you as a chaperone, do you?
  • Shocker: That's enough, you dimwit. You have been chasing me too much, I will crush your bone to PIECES!
  • Shocker: You dare enough to challenge me you dimwit? I will send you to the boarding school and I will defeat you no matter what!
  • Spider-Man: You're so stupid, Shocker. That doesn't involve you to go back to boarding school if it was a total beatdown!
  • Spider-Man: It looks like your friend Vulture has shared the loot too, where the heck did he get off into?
  • Shocker: If he doesn't get his loot, he'd rather be dead. But he works at the old clock tower from the Lower East Side.
  • Spider-Man: Vulture? Well, thanks a lot. Shoutout to all the grand fans from jail!

Vulture's Lair

  • Spider-Man: A old shady nest.
  • Vulture: I hope this is warm enough welcome for you, insect!
  • Vulture: You'll become a thorn on my side! Today, you'll be crushed into pieces!
  • Spider-Man: Well, well, well. Some kind of trick you have.
  • Spider-Man: Who is your landlord this time, Vulture? Quasimodo?
  • Vulture: Haha. Very funny, insect. But I will track you down.
  • Spider-Man: Yeah? Is that true? I accept not!
  • Vulture: Today, I will deal with you after I'm done!
  • Spider-Man: No! We can rather do this in the hard way!
  • Spider-Man: There's must be in a way to get up there....
  • Spider-Man: Phew. That was hard.
  • Vulture: Ah Pest! Why can't you just leave me alone?!
  • Spider-Man: Oh, it's on now Vulture!

Vulture Escapes

  • Spider-Man: Hey, Vulture! Didn't your mom teach you that stealing supposed to be unacceptable?!
  • Vulture: You're too slow, insect! These wealthy gems are just exchanging through all lives, because of you are starting to impress me. NOT!
  • Vulture: What's wrong, web-head? Can't keep up with me?
  • Spider-Man: Hey, come back! I've brought you some granola bars here!
  • Vulture: This will slow him down! What is it going to be, Spider-Man? A few jewels or innocent lives?
  • Spider-Man: You can't even understand about one simple joke, Vulture! Ahh... I think it is my chance to go after him after I stop that sign from collapsing.
  • Vulture: Those people look kind of thirsty, do they? Why don't I serve them a drink?
  • Spider-Man: I bet someone should be using umbrellas right now.
  • Vulture: Give it up! You can't keep up with me!
  • Spider-Man: Nope. I'm in the mood for punishment!
  • Vulture: Too slow! You haven't got to chance to keep up with me!
  • Spider-Man: No, I don't. And seriously, you need to break it up.
  • Spider-Man: (sneezes) My costume is feeling wet now.
  • Spider-Man: This ain't over yet, Vulture!

Air Duel With Vulture

  • Vulture: AUGHH! My wings are toast!
  • Spider-Man: When he's down, I'm ready to tackle him.
  • Vulture: Prepare to meet your MAKER!
  • Vulture: AHH! NO! I was attacked by that spider menace!
  • Vulture: This ain't over!
  • Spider-Man: You shouldn't be doing this air too much, Vulture. You'll vomit yourself.
  • Spider-Man: Come on, Vulture! I hope you're having a seizure!
  • Spider-Man: That's going to hurt you in the morning!
  • Spider-Man: Yup, for someone like you who wants to be without you.
  • Spider-Man: I'm probably sitting duck here.
  • Spider-Man: Oh my god. I should've stay in airborne.
  • Spider-Man: This may hurt him just a bit!
  • Spider-Man: Okay, Vulture. You can't just steal everything that doesn't belong to you. It could be any worse for those idiots who stole your yard.
  • Police officer: Let's go, old man. You know you can't use those after we book you to the station. Right?


  • Dr. Strom: Ahem. We have a problem sir. Our systems are detecting two distinct targets both genetic signatures resemble his self. Take a look at this, as you can see each target is unique but it can be both to have characteristics
    of real DNA.
  • Norman: We don't have much time. Who would have known if HK's targets supposed to be in real area? Once they're on it together, capturing both subjects shouldn't be too bad. Am I making myself clear?
  • Dr. Strom: Yes, sir.
  • Scorpion: (pants) Spiders..... Spiders everywhere!
  • Scorpion: Go back to your corporate masters!
  • Scorpion: No! No! NO!!
  • Peter: This is how it really happens once I fought Shocker in the subway station, but although, taking pictures would be very easy to do it but I really can't deny about that... Whoa... I better be quiet.
  • Spider-Man: Whoa! This dude looks like he's taking a beating here! I'd rather help him.
  • Spider-Man: Hey, killbot-5000! You like it huh?!
  • Spider-Man: We should play some baseball!
  • Spider-Man: It's time to take out the trash.
  • Spider-Man: Let's dance, dude!
  • Spider-Man: (grunting) Whoa! Phew... so... what're you supposed to be like uh... a cockroach or something?
  • Scorpion: Get away from me!
  • Spider-Man: Whoa! Calm down out there....
  • Scorpion: You're with the idiots! I can tell... I CAN TELL!
  • Scorpion: Will you try to stop me?! YES! I WILL! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!
  • Spider-Man: We are not done yet, Scorpion. You still got some plenty issues to talk about.

Scorpion's Rampage

  • Spider-Man: Let's go, Scorpion! You need some help!
  • Scorpion: HELPING?! No, uh-huh, No! You can't just take me back!
  • Spider-Man: I wouldn't know if you can't whether to decide anymore.
  • Spider-Man: (chuckles) I would ever take any drawls from you because I got one!
  • Scorpion: You're making too many jokes! Stop it!
  • Spider-Man: You smell like poop, Scorpion.
  • Spider-Man: I think the dogs decided to bite your ass because you're running like crazy!
  • Spider-Man: Rule number 2: No person shouldn't poke himself in a eye.
  • Spider-Man: I think you should sleep more. Don't you remember about the day you were born?
  • Scorpion: Shut your mouth!!!
  • Spider-Man: I don't know who ever did this to you personally, but, no worries I'll take you there. Those arachnids just happened to be like me, I was attacked by those things either.
  • Spider-Man: Scorpion? I think he's gone... (sighs) I feel so ashamed about him anymore.

Coup D'Etat

  • Norman: The board won't fire me! I built this company! How could they do that?!
  • Norman: I'd rather just regret about what I said!
  • Dr. Strom: Ugh.... we aren't getting anywhere.
  • Norman: It's about time, Dr. Strom.
  • Dr. Strom: Mr. Osborn! I didn't hear...
  • Norman: Don't worry about it! We're running with a human trial.
  • Dr. Strom: Human? I couldn't understand that...
  • Norman: Dr. Strom, I either choose one of your terrible decisions with resignation. I'm testing this serum right now.
  • Dr. Strom: Mister Osborn! Are you alright?
  • Mary Jane: Too bad for him....
  • Harry Osborn: Yeah. Me either. I can't wait for my dad to greet you.
  • Peter: Aw, darn it.
  • Mary Jane: No! Help!
  • Mary Jane: HELP!
  • Spider-Man: It gets pretty hard for this now.... By the way, you don't look like the "green emerald elf" do you?
  • Goblin: Who, me? I'm just a real concerned citizen helping to clean up our city.
  • Spider-Man: Hey, Mary Jane! You need a hand or something?
  • Mary Jane: Oh. Thank you for sure.
  • Spider-Man: It's all right. I'm here.
  • Spider-Man: Are you okay?
  • Mary Jane: Aw. Thanks. You're great back there.
  • Spider-Man: You too. Thanks! I have to deal with Goblin... right now.
  • Mary Jane: Oh... yeah. It's true!
  • Spider-Man: It is! You should take a great advantage to see what's coming up for our next adventure to save civilians!
  • Mary Jane: Go get him, tiger!
  • Goblin: I was honored to meet you since today, Spider-Man!
  • Spider-Man: Is that true? I bet not!
  • Goblin: You're boring me, Spider-Man!
  • Spider-Man: Wait a minute, you dork! Where are you going?
  • Goblin: There's no need for us to fight like this!
  • Spider-Man: Uh-huh. I guess that means you shouldn't be throwing bombs at me anyway!
  • Goblin: This looks like I'm going to destroy that station!
  • Spider-Man: No! I can't let that tower hit anyone!
  • Goblin: How can you be so stupid?! These people wouldn't care to lift a finger to help you!
  • Spider-Man: At since, they always do that for a minimum time to take that power off with their hands too!
  • Goblin: Did you hear that? A sound of me shooting at you!
  • Spider-Man: Is that all? Probably so as your mom.
  • Goblin: Ugh.... I have things to do, Spider-Man!
  • Spider-Man: You're leaving me no choice!
  • Goblin: You like my toys better, huh?!
  • Spider-Man: I would definitely do that.
  • Goblin: Anyways, let's find some people to play with!
  • Spider-Man: Oh, okay.
  • Goblin: I have been burning bridges all day. It is my chance to knock this one down!
  • Spider-Man: Oh no! Those people!
  • Goblin: You disappointed me, Spider-Man!
  • Goblin: Run whatever you like, stupid!
  • Spider-Man: No... you're not!
  • Goblin: Since you've imagined about how jokes were made, right?
  • Spider-Man: No. But you've talked too much.
  • Goblin: Why do you have to keep fighting us, Spider-Man?
  • Spider-Man: By the time, we fought against idiots. That's my job!
  • Goblin: That's it... time to ruin their playground.
  • Spider-Man: Let's put a end to this, Goblin.

The Offer

  • Goblin: Once again, you and I will fight each other for the same moment of ours!
  • Spider-Man: Enough with this nonsense, Goblin.
  • Goblin: Amazing. I didn't know if my glider supposed to be damaged!
  • Spider-Man: Still got issues to talk about huh?!
  • Goblin: I got something to say about you, pal. Your skills are most intelligence to your brain! Since you've wasted too much helping those useless people in this city.
  • Spider-Man: Oh, I get it! You seemed very grumpy.
  • Spider-Man: Calling yourself a tough love?! I swear one of my henchmen decide to take you out!
  • Goblin: Nonsense! This is how you treat yourself like an killing machine!
  • Spider-Man: Since you lied to me first of all, I'll ignore you.
  • Goblin: What's the matter, loser? Feeling weak?!
  • Spider-Man: HEY! What's wrong with you now?!
  • Goblin: You'll have to do better than that, boy.
  • Spider-Man: HEY! You can't take the heat like that, Goblin! It messes your mind.
  • Goblin: I don't know how you made up with this nonsense after all! We are like kids!
  • Spider-Man: So? You got family.
  • Goblin: You fool, is this where you end up by taking revenge on me?! I swear I'll find something delusional for you to do it on your own!
  • Spider-Man: And... you're finished.
  • Goblin: (laughs) Oh, really?! Well, I got something for my glider from you!
  • Goblin: Doing to all those bombs that are planted on the rooftops, when they go off... well, fine. Use your imagination! (laughs) You might have to stop them before they'll destroy the city... or you can stop me! The choice is
   yours.... SPIDER!
  • Spider-Man: Ah! I can't let him get away for this. That means I'm going for Plan B. I'll stop Goblin before he does!

Race Against Time

  • Spider-Man: I have to disarm bombs!
  • Spider-Man: Two?! No fair! Three?! Oh, god. Only one?! I can't believe I have to disarm one!
  • Spider-Man: No more? Thank god. I'm going have to go one-on-one against Goblin when I come back! Time for Plan C!
  • Goblin: It's on now..... (laughing)

The Razor's Edge

  • Spider-Man: All right, that's enough. It's time to stop this creep.
  • Goblin: You made it, Spider-Man! I got something from you! (laughing) Are you looking for me, boy? Well, here we are!
  • Spider-Man: I see you got your toys, Goblin.
  • Goblin: You love it? You like it!
  • Spider-Man: Whoa, those things are vicious! I better think of something fast!
  • Goblin: Sometimes you don't look like you are enjoying yourself, have you?
  • Spider-Man: Uh... what?!
  • Goblin: Too bad you destroyed my razor bats!
  • Spider-Man: Whoa! They'd just keep coming! I better find a way to end this nonsense! I think I saw the construction site over there, that'll be the place I can hide.
  • Goblin: Are you running away from me now?! I'm not done with you!
  • Spider-Man: Eh... That's what I'm afraid of.
  • Spider-Man: I need to get the hell out of here.
  • Goblin: All right.... I guess I'll leave you alone for this though, but when we meet again... we'll finish this soon!
  • Spider-Man: Huh? What is this thing do? I better go home and study it, so he'll give me a clue about Goblin.

Breaking and Entering

  • Peter: Whatever does Green Goblin know if he was working for Oscorp, all that sabotaging and pulverized? Harry could not be any happier whenever his dad decided to do it. I have to break in through Oscorp now.
  • Norman: Spider-Man... SPIDER-MAN!!! Well... well, what a tangled web-weave. It seemed we are having a date tonight.
  • Spider-Man: This might be the level which it gets very hard... but there's no time for that.
  • Spider-Man: Okay.... now we're in. And oh! Be careful with those guards...
  • Spider-Man: What is this? It looks like there are some Oscorp security computers to access it... If I can get to the blast door, I need like five special codes to open it. This will be good.
  • Spider-Man: All right. Only four more pieces. Three more to go. Two more. One more piece to go, but I need to stay from the shadows. There. That's all I have. It's time to get that door open!
  • Spider-Man: Let's see if I can figure this out... Got it!

Chemical Chaos

  • Dr. Antower: Look, I'm concerned about those projects, Dr. Rue. This city doesn't even know what we are working on this problem, any source to the name of casualties would hurt people for this.
  • Dr. Rue: Listen, Antower. Those are the kind thoughts you wish to believe yourself if there's none for any person who would likely to get hurt. Then, do your job!
  • Spider-Man: So, what's going on here?
  • Dr. Antower: I didn't know if Oscorp has a chemical weapon for this situation, you have to believe me!
  • Spider-Man: What? Chemical weapons division? That's not right. Or maybe it is...
  • Dr. Antower: There's nothing I can do. The research is too heavily guarded if you ask me.
  • Spider-Man: So, that's how I came here. I'll take those chemicals off with your hands, sir. Just tell me what to do.
  • Dr. Antower: Just to understand how you'll find many control rooms to activate every letter that comes with central VAT. I'll give you a radio as soon as we communicate each other once when you get there first. Be careful.
  • Spider-Man: Yes, sir.
  • Dr. Antower(over radio): Watch out for the guards. Don't let them spot you!
  • Dr. Antower(over radio): You're getting close to the first control room where you need to activate. Just look for it.
  • Dr. Antower(over radio):Once you've found the first control room: I'll help you how to activate the correct sequences when you reach those control rooms that comes with central VAT. Can you release those chemicals for me?
  • Spider-Man: Uh.. sure.
  • Dr. Antower(over radio): Once you've reached the chemical injections for the next two rooms, just go in there and activate two of them before you reach the central chamber and start the process, and do the same thing for the last
                                                                              two control rooms.
  • Spider-Man: Oh. By the way, Doctor. Two of them had the same sequence isn't that enough?
  • Dr. Antower(over radio): Yes. I clearly doubt about where you can find terminals here. Try it.
  • Spider-Man: Uh.. Antower? The door is locked.
  • Dr. Antower(over radio): Let me look into it.... but remember not to get caught, okay? Dr. Rue is the one that he has the security pass and he is headed to your position, you'll need to get the safety key to get there. And watch out
                                                for that robot!
  • Dr. Rue: There's an intruder somewhere, spread out and capture him!

OsCorp's Ultimate Weapon

  • Spider-Man: Whoa! Where am I at now?! (gasps) WOW! This looks like an giant-super MECH! Aw, man! It looks like I'm going have to take care of those generators from that shield!
  • Spider-Man: The bigger they are, the harder they'll get!
  • Spider-Man: Whoever think this is the giant robot mech? It fills out many several countries! I have to take this thing out right now! I'm not finished yet, guys! Give me 10 seconds!
  • Spider-Man: That's the last generator. Time for the sensor array.
  • Spider-Man: OH..... GOD!!
  • Spider-Man: Phew. Just made it. I just need to get this one out of here, now it's my chance to return back to Oscorp.

Escape from OsCorp

  • Spider-Man: Mary Jane! Goblin! NO!
  • Spider-Man: But I don't know how he figured out about MJ, but I have to get to her before he does. Hmmm... what would be more likely to run away from those robots instead? Oh well.
  • Spider-Man: Huh. This looks like the security console. Maybe if I can deactivate those gun turrets first. Well... I just need to shut down those laser walls.
  • Spider-Man: Perfect. I just need to turn off the energized door and I'm finished. The door is open!
  • Spider-Man: Wow. This looks like a surprise to me!

Mary Jane Kidnapped

  • Mary Jane: Phew.. what a day. What in the hell?!
  • Goblin: Tough day in the office, huh? I'd might just grab you! Once again, you and me are going to be killers as well!
  • Spider-Man: Too late. Don't worry, Mary Jane! I'm coming!
  • Spider-Man: If you hurt her, I'd swear I'll kill you!
  • Goblin: Ooh! Now you're getting it! You're too slow!!!!
  • Spider-Man: MOVE! MOVE!
  • Mary Jane: If you're trying to hurt me, I'll cut your teeth!
  • Goblin: That's not nice of you, dumb woman.
  • Mary Jane: Help me!!!!!
  • Spider-Man: This is how it ends Goblin! Leave her alone already!
  • Goblin: Let's go already, dumb idiot! I think I'm slipping....!
  • Goblin: We are almost here, hero! Let's put a end to this nonsense.
  • Spider-Man: Oh yeah?! I doubt that we want to see you getting your ass kicked this time!

Face-Off At The Bridge

  • Mary Jane: Let me go, jerk! Help!
  • Goblin: Shut it! Let's play rough!
  • Mary Jane: Hurry, the fire is getting closer! (scoffs) This idiot... give him an punch this time, Spidey!
  • Spider-Man: I'll do it! What were you doing this time Goblin?! Are you like CRAZY?!
  • (Conclusion cutscene)
  • Spider-Man: Mr. Osborn? How?
  • Osborn: I was little surprised... perhaps you would be. But the best surprise is still to come yet...
  • Osborn: Tell Harry about this.... (groans)
  • Spider-Man: I would, Mr. Osborn. Mary Jane... there is something else I like to ask you but....
  • Mary Jane: Shh. Shh. It's okay, dear. You don't have to say.
  • Spider-Man: That's it. The story was finished. Ready to move on to the next video game? You should take rest.

Voice Cast

  • Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  • Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin
  • Josh Keaton as Harry Osborn
  • Bruce Campbell as Tour Guide
  • Michael Beattie as Shocker