Nightmare Castle

1965 film by Mario Caiano

Nightmare Castle (Italian: Amanti d’Oltretomba) is a 1965 Italian horror film about a woman and her lover who are tortured and killed by her sadistic husband. The pair return from the grave to seek vengeance.

Directed by Mario Caiano. Written by Mario Caiano and Fabio De Agostini.
A mad, sadistic scientist on the loose!taglines

Dr. Stephen Arrowsmith

  • [to Muriel] I've asked you before not to come down to my laboratory while I'm busy with my experiments.


Muriel Arrowsmith: I'm going to rid you of your vulgar ways and replace them with others much more subtle and refined.
David: I don't understand you.
Muriel Arrowsmith: It doesn't matter.

Muriel Arrowsmith: You had your revenge. Why don't you kill me? Kill both of us.
Dr. Stephen Arrowsmith: You, I will kill you, you tart, you. You and your filthy friend. But death, my dear, must come to you only after I've torn from your bodies all the suffering and pain a human being can stand, and you don't know yet how long it takes to die of pain.
Muriel Arrowsmith: You're a monster.

Muriel Arrowsmith: Oh! You're a monster! You don't know the hate I have inside. If you could see it you would be terrified. You would kill me at once! But even by killing me you can't free yourself from my hatred, Stephen Arrowsmith You can kill my body but I'll never leave you in peace! Never! NEVER!
Dr. Stephen Arrowsmith: I am not afraid of the dead. Corpses are destined to rot and fertilize the earth.


  • A mad, sadistic scientist on the loose!
  • WARNING! See it with someone who's shockproof!
  • So weird! ...So shocking! Do YOU dare see it!


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