Lady of Burlesque

1943 film by William A. Wellman

Lady of Burlesque is a 1943 film about the performers at a burlesque house who must work together to find a killer.

Directed by William A. Wellman. Written by James Gunn, based on the 1941 novel The G-String Murders by Gypsy Rose Lee.
Girls and Gags, Music and Mirth, Murder and Mystery!  (taglines)

Dialogue edit

Biff: Ah, I get it, you're pulling this act to make me feel protective.
Dixie: Haven't you ever figured on anybody telling the truth?
Biff: Not burlesque dames, they're used to wriggling out of things.

Taglines edit

  • Girls and Gags, Music and Mirth, Murder and Mystery!

Cast edit

External links edit

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