Interview with the Vampire (TV series)/season 2

Interview with the Vampire (2022-present), created by Rolin Jones, is a television series about Louis de Pointe du Lac recounting his past life and tumultuous relationship with his maker and lover, Lestat de Lioncourt based on the 1976 novel and elements from The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.

Season 2 edit

"What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned" [2.01] edit

Louis de Pointe du Lac: She had stowed us away in ships, trains and wagons. She had asked the desperate farmers and rationed soldiers to teach her their languages before she killed them. And when she had cobbled together enough words and grammar, she stopped asking. Claudia was a thing of little indecision, a manic tour guide. And any castle with ties to Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracul, however slight, had to be explored. And I endured it all for Claudia, whose rage toward me and my refusal to burn Lestat had dulled into a bitter silence. This war. It's affecting the blood. Been drinking misery, hopelessness. It's in the blood, we're taking it in. Taking it on. [Grunts] I'm thinking that's why we can't get warm, warm up. You think that's it? [Imitates Claudia's voice] "Louis did you say something?" Thank you for asking. I did say something, Claudia. I said I'm cold. I'm sleeping in a hole every night. I'm worn to a nub. How about you? "Well, brother Lou, I'm a little low myself. But, uh..."
Claudia: Air raid. [Louis and Claudia run out of building amidst bombings]
Louis de Pointe du Lac: [Voice of thought] It wasn't the murdering Hun or beasts of Ivan, or the fire raining down from the RAF that chased the vampire away. The vampire hadn't been here for centuries. The few scraps of forensic proof we found made the case plain, but Claudia was unassailable. Like... like some deranged geologist waving a woolly mammoth tusk saying, "Let's knock on the neighbor's door, there must be one inside." It's dead. Maybe it's time we go home.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: "He asked me if we can go home. Home? Can there be a more offensive question? Run back to New Orleans. Pry up his bones, why don't you? Louis de Pointe du Lac. Dead weight."
Daniel Molloy: I want to thank you, for the memories you helped restore the other night. I understand these diaries much better now. And I want to thank you, Louis, for yesterday's eight hours on how to avoid the sun and torpedoes while cruising the Mediterranean war theater. And tonight's two hours and counting on chasing old world vamps who never materialize. You ever read "Moby Dіck", Real Rashid? I'm here to serve. Ah. Yeah, sure. I'm sorry, this is... this is so weird. Where did they send you when. Shah Rukh Khan over here was playing you?
Lestat de Lioncourt: Is there a panic room behind the stolen Rembrandt? My love ran a theater company for 150 years, Daniel. Your love was in a box pondering a premediated neck wound, according to Claudia. She wrote it, let's choose to believe it. Unworthy in San Francisco, unworthy in Dubai. Disregard.

Lestat de Lioncourt: Hmm. [Louis gasps] Bonjour, mon amour. No. Oui. No. Is it the same question? Go away. Or do you miss me? I miss you. Despite our recent unpleasantness still missing each other. Claudia! Hmm! Four years of grim wayfaring and still no sight of the benevolent vampire. So, how does denial manifest itself tonight? Sniffing German brandy? You're not here, I'm just fսckеd in the head. Quite fսckеd. Was she worth it? Yes. You say it like you believe it. [Repeatedly] I do...
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Stop!
Lestat de Lioncourt: [Repeatedly] I do... Oh. Purgatory is a lovely room for music. I have a new piece, Concerto for Gashed Throat and Orchestra.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: I'm sorry.
Lestat de Lioncourt: Don't say it again. You ruin it with remorse. It was a perfect betrayal. You gave me a death of distinction.
Claudia: Trucks!
Lestat de Lioncourt: But in answer to your question. Yes. I'm gonna bloody kill you. If you were alive you'd have done it already. Hmm. [Chuckles softly] Oh, love. I'm merely waiting until you're happy. So hurry up, mon Cher.

Louis de Pointe du Lac: I had taken 7,000 souls by then. Argh! But Lestat was the only one that felt like murder. Semantics, surely, but it's how I felt. He came by invitation. My distraction from the monochromatic landscape. The gray of an obliterated road, the gray-brown of a charred and bullet-ridden city. In Germany, Herr Hitler had popped a pill in his bunker and Europe celebrated. But in Romania, the champagne fizzled and went flat. Soviets replaced Nazis. War became occupation. [Witnesses soldiers exhuming cemetery internments and shooting them up]
Claudia: [Telepathically] Why they shooting up coffins? Windows shuttered, doors bolted.
Louis: Like every other village we seen, folks left when the Russians rolled in.
Claudia: Folks left? So who ran garlic around these doors? Who nailed the crucifix to the wall?
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Why don't you knock and ask?
Claudia: Just like in the books, they think garlic protects them.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Your books?
Claudia: They think we hate Jesus.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Don't start back with your books! Your books are bullshit.
Claudia: There's a vampire been here. Another crucifix.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Hey, now. Okay, okay.
Claudia: Oh, shit.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Look like you should. Don't say anything about anything.
Soviet soldier 1: Papers [Claudia hands over passports then holds up photo saying in Hungarian] My mother. Have you seen? Please to help.
Soviet soldier 1: Hungarian. This is Romania.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Looking for my wife, hope to find.
Soviet soldier 2: Your papers aren't good.
Emilia: [Stops walking by speaking Romanian] Making them stand out here in the dark? Are you stupid?
Soviet soldier 1: Speak Russian.
Emilia: Go, go. Do your very important patrols.
Soviet soldier 1: Speak Russian.
Emilia: Papers don't matter if they're dead. [Soldier hands back passports, takes one of Emilia's hunting kills and they walk away]

Emilia: American? Okay. War, all have sad story. You understanding my English?
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Yeah.
Claudia: This is my father, Robert.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: We're tired, we could use a place to sleep. We got things to thank you with. [Produces vodka bottle]
Emilia: Vodka? Oh, yeah. You will make the friends.

Emilia: [Brings Louis and Claudia to shelter] No more beds. Boiler room, you can use for night. Warm, boiler loud.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Thank you. That'll be fine.
Emilia: American! [Speaks Romanian] They've brought vodka and cigarettes [Shelter refugees stare silently] They are not used to seeing man with good looks.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: And, uh, the rest of everyone?
Emilia: Most from town, some can't go home. Home is gone.

Louis de Pointe du Lac: How come you're all living out here? Stone walls, metal doors. Is something going on out in the woods?
Emilia: Bombs in ground, wolves, maybe German soldiers who don't know war is over. Maybe something, uh, worse.
Claudia: [Telepathically] Or maybe vampires.
Louis: Please! Claudia:
Claudia: Oh, look, soldiers with garlic around their necks.

Emilia: Your flesh will feed our soil. Your bones will whiten our land. [Soldiers walk away unimpressed]

Emilia: [Sets down bowl] Soup for cigarettes. Bad trade for you. But God will forget when you die. God "not" forget.
Morgan: Americans? I haven't heard a word of English in half a year. Say something, anything.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Uh, something, anything.
Morgan: Oh! Hello.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Hello.
Emilia: What am I talk?
Morgan: Oh, you, darling, are talk broken English by an Englishman too enamored with his student to do the job properly.
Emilia: Mm-hm. This Robert.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Uh, Louis.
Morgan: She's a quick studier actually and very resourceful and I'm desperately in love with her. I hear you have vodka.
Emilia: This Morgan.
Morgan: Morgan Ward, correspondent Daily Herald. They've forgotten I'm here. And I've forgotten your name already.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: It's, uh, Louis.
Morgan: Louis! Louis, wonderful strange. Welcome to, no question, hell on Earth! And you? What's your name, sweetheart?
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Why are they shooting up graves outside? This is my daughter, Mary.
Morgan: Oh. [Holds up cigarette] Uh, Andrei. Maybe you can take Mary here to meet the other children.
Claudia: I'm fine, sir, thank you.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Go ahead, Mary. Go and meet the other children. I bet they know everything about this place. [Claudia takes the hint and leaves then cut to scene of interview] Wait, that's wrong. She didn't say that in front of Claudia.
Daniel Molloy: Say what? Who?
Louis de Pointe du Lac: The wolves, the Germans, something worse. Emilia, she would not have said that in front of Claudia. [Flashback] She thought Claudia was a child. Claudia left. And then she said it. [Flashback of Emilia sitting at table after Claudia leaves] Yes. Yes! That's how it went. We should get every detail right.
Daniel Molloy: In total agreement. Perhaps this would be a time to take a break, Louis. You know, Real Rashid, I'm pretty good at my job, a bright young reporter with a point of view. Interviewed a fallen Catholic archbishop, four Enron vice presidents, and if they've got something to hide they always start with some kind of disguise. Not literally, not some dumb Halloween costume, gloves, contact lenses. They tell jokes, they're charming. And then at some crisis point, when I get close, it drops away and I see a flash of the truth.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Armand didn't want me to do the interview, Daniel.
Armand: Still don't.
Daniel Molloy: But he wanted to be close to it, right, Real Rashid? I mean, hey, whatever it is they're trying to hide, I'm probably not going to crack it, which is, you know, who cares? Happens all the time. But I wanna ask you, as a member of the inferior species, why say, "Hey, vampires are real. Here's almost all the story"? Thank you, Rashid. That's why I'm coming after you, Real Rashid. You I can fսcking break! If you'll excuse me.

Louis de Pointe du Lac: [Holds up photo] She got all tore up when our boys started shipping out. Volunteered for the Red Cross.
Morgan: [Observing photo] A sainted wife.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Yeah, grew up in a military family. Kind of woman you can't argue much with.
Morgan: I am familiar with the breed. [Softly] Up your bum. [They clink glasses]
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Okay. Why are they firing into coffins here?
Morgan: [Laughs] Farm boys commanded by farm boys. German amphetamines, the superstitions of a backward country. Mad fog in the dirt, trees and rivers. I keep my trousers pinned at the ankle when I sleep for fear it will get me too.
Emilia: This is an old country with old things in it.
Morgan: More mad fog, and she's currently village prefect.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: I believe you.
Morgan: Oh, I do too. I believe everything you say, Emilia. Marry me.
Emilia: [Emilia laughs] When the priest comes back.
Morgan: That's our little joke. The priest was dragged away by our Soviet friends. And by dragged, I mean, tied to a truck and dragged.
Emilia: Something out there with soul disturbed. Disturbed?

Radio announcer: The triumph over Hitler's evil can be felt throughout France, and in no more fantastic an example than the priceless works of art being bundled up in the countryside, lifted on to trucks and returned to their rightful place in Paris. And we of the BBC World Service, speaking for the rest of the western world, send a most grateful thank you to our allies in France with one of your very own.

Morgan: Are you a Red, Louis?
Louis de Pointe du Lac: You say something?
Morgan: I did.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Didn't catch it.
Morgan: Then I'll repeat myself. Are you... a Red? No judgement. Simple question.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: I am a magical vodka Nеgrо. Having the first alright night in quite a while.
Morgan: C'mon now. You're either a deserter or a Bolshevik, which is it?
Emilia: This is why you have no friends, old man.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: I told you already. I'm looking for my wife.
Morgan: Oh. It's printed on albumen. I really want to hear the lady sing. I take my own photographs, I make more money that way. And your dutiful wife's photograph was taken by a glass-plate camera, printed on albumen paper. That makes this 30 years old, which would make her sixty, sixty-five, and the birth of your daughter a medical miracle. This is a road you really don't want to go down. I like you. You seem like a good man. If you can be quick with it. Song's half over. If you're AWOL, turn back around and take your punishment. It'll be paradise in comparison to Uncle Joseph's utopia.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: That it?
Morgan: That's it. That was unkind. I'm cutting you off and taking your woman.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Never mess with a magical vodka Nеgrо.
Morgan: May I have this dance? If you're a Bolshevik, you're making a fool's bet.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: You really want to marry him?
Morgan: He's got the big one down the pants.

Daniel Molloy: Okay. Um... Session ten, the vampire Louis and the vampire Armand. You went west.
Louis de Pointe du Lac: Claudia was entirely broken. She had left a part of herself in Romania. I knew I had to steer her far away from it. I chose the city that called to us on the radio. To the mother of New Orleans. Members of my coven sensed... Uh, uh, uh. We'll get to you. The war had turned off the lights, stripped its streets of their beauty, sent its avant-garde into exile. But now, the whole world was ready to return, to remake their lives. Pilgrims on their hopeful way. [Flashback of riding an army truck with Claudia sitting across from him] I wanna say something to you. I don't need to hear anything back, I just need you to hear me. Hard words and soft words. The hard. Our life is shit. It's been shit. It is shit. It's gonna be shit again. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one's watching, no one cares. A shit life beats no life. But where we're going now we can't be running away again. Doesn't mean we forget what we saw. What she did in front of us. If I see you going that way, I'm going pull you back. I don't need that from you. As long as you walk the Earth, I'll never taste the fire, you understand me? We're going to find others like us. And if it ain't here, cos life is shit, or I fսck it up again, or you fսck it up, we'll go to the next place. We can't be the only good ones out there. Soft words. If you were the last vampire on Earth it would be enough. [Repeatedly] You and me. Me and you. [A slit throat Lestat appears besides Claudia then disappears]